A Phase 1 Habitat survey or Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) is often the initial ecological survey requirement for a project.

A Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) is an initial assessment of any potential ecological impacts that might be caused by a project, and an exercise to determine what type of further surveys will need to be carried out.

A PEA may form the basis for an Ecological Impact Assessment (EcIA), which is the completed assessment, taking into account all of the required further survey work and mitigation strategies.

Typically a PEA will include the following elements.

For smaller projects a full assessment of habitats present may not be appropriate, but a scaled down approach with an emphasis on protected species scoping may still be required.

For planning purposes, a PEA will often need to be supported by the results of any recommended further survey work, or relevant mitigation strategies (Hence forming a full Ecological Impact Assessment).

However, in some cases (where there are minimal risks to protected species, and any mitigation is simple), it may be suitable as a stand-alone document.

Please contact Gould Ecology if you require a Phase 1 Habitat survey, Preliminary Ecological Appraisal or Ecological Impact Assessment. We will be happy to answer any questions and provide a quotation.